Wednesday, October 30, 2013

On October 31st 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of Castle Church.

        It was the day we know as Halloween, but no one wore costumes or went door to door searching for treats. Dull gray clouds obscured the sun and took the sharpness off colors. Martin wandered past a row of trees, which now looked like sticks, carrying a few papers, a hammer, and nails. He wondered towards Castle Church, which stood fifty feet tall; it looked as it were a hundred shades of stone gray in the darkening sky. A few students walked about and some of the surrounding houses had orangish lights shining through their windows.

Another professor nailed a thesis on the door of the Castle Church. He asked, “How’s it going, Professor Luther?”

Martin said, “Not so well. I had another parishioner tell me they weren’t going to repent because of the sale of indulgences. I have to do something to try and stop it.”

The professor asked, “Is that what you have brought?”

Martin said, “Yes, it is what I have brought.”

The professor said, “Then I guess I won’t have very many people show up to debate me over the usefulness of Plato in modern times.”

Martin said, “No offense, but I hope not. This may not affect very many people, these things never do, but if we can impress them upon the minds of the thinking people, then we can effect change.”

The professor said, “As long as the wrong people don’t see it too soon.”

Martin asked, “What do you mean?”

The professor said, “The Pope’s agents.”

Martin said, “I don’t think that the Pope would go against the basic philosophies of his own Church. I plan on sending a copy to Albert of Mainz. If they are guilty of conspiracy in this regard, then they deserve a chance to openly debate the matter. If anyone can show me with Scriptures or plain reason where I am in error, then I will recant. Otherwise they should, it is that simple.”

The professor dropped his hammer and ran away from Martin. He looked back with terror in his eyes.

Martin said, “You forgot your hammer,” then started to nail his own thesis to the door. He knew his words were heavy, but he still thought the professor to be overly worried. I only want the truth, who can be against that? he thought. I only want a debate; certainly, I have the right to debate these things openly. He looked at his theses and wondered how he could protect more people from the evil of indulgences. If they trusted in an indulgence instead of repentance, then they could endanger their mortal soul. He would have to think of some way that he could get his message across to more than the few dozen at best who would be at the debate, but he didn’t know how.

Martin walked away from the door onto lengthening shadows of houses and trees. A hooded figure walked towards him carrying a lantern which illuminated the path. The figure was black and somehow reminded Martin of the time Germany had been infested with the plague.

The hooded figure asked, “Martin, what are you doing here?”

The voice was familiar; it was his old friend. Martin said, “Alexius? You shouldn’t walk out like that; you practically scared me to death.”

Alexius said, “I wanted to come out and see what sort of thing would be posted on the church door.”

Martin said, “I have posted a list of grievances with the practice of indulgences. They are an obstacle to salvation. They are against true repentance and I cannot believe the Pope has sanctioned them.”

Alexius said, “It looks like my feeling was correct. I thought there would be a good debate posted tonight.”

Martin said, “Another professor was here and posted a debate on Plato. I think I will agree with his premises, but I think my argument has much greater weight.

Alexius said, “I will have to look at his thesis as well.”

Martin said, “I am glad to see you, old friend, but I must get back to sing vespers.”

Alexius said, “Of course. I wish you well.”


Here is another article; Martin Luther refuses to recant his 95 thesis

The rest of Martin Luther’s story can be found in my new book, would you do what they did great Christian leaders from our past is now available to order from here is the link: Would You Do What They Did? - Great Christian Leaders From Our Past It is also available to order now or shortly from anywhere that sells books. It is a collection of biographies of Martin Luther, Francis of Assisi, John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, and Thomas Becket.

Come, tame a wolf, flee from the wrath of the king, feel the horror of impending doom on a ship, and the uncertainty of one’s own salvation with these great heroes of the faith.

I have excepts of the book on my website,

Thank you for reading.




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