Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bio of C.S. Lewis who died on November the 22th 1963. - This Week in Christian History for the week of November the 17th through the 23th

Clive Stapes Lewis was born in Belfast Ireland on the 29th of November 1898. His childhood was filled with books; he especially liked the ones with talking animals. His mother died of cancer when he was young and he suffered from health problems. He eventually had to go away to a health resort and attended school there.
While he was a Christian when he was younger, he became an atheist and became interested in the occult and nature. He read about old Icelandic myths and he experimented with different forms of writing like epic poetry. C. S.was accepted into University College at Oxford and underwent a mild culture shock. He met Yeats while there, and was astounded that his English companions didn’t appreciate his work.
C. S. served in the English army during WWI. He had made a pact with one of his fellow servicemen that if either one died the other would take care of their family, which C.S. did after the man died. C. S. was wounded and returned to his studies after he was discharged. He began to embrace Christianity, partially from the influence of his friend J. R. R. Tolkien, and partially from the works of George MacDonald. He adopted the Church of England, which disappointed Tolkien who wanted him to become Catholic.  
He met Joy Davidman and married her in a civil ceremony, which was probably a ploy to keep her from being deported. He eventually fell in love with her and they got married in the Church of England. She died and C. S. took care of her two sons.
After he converted to Christianity his books became more popular than the ones before and most of his books were overtly Christian. The Legend of Narnia series, The Screwtape letters, The Abolition of Man, and Mere Christianity are still popular among readers.
C. S. became ill with kidney failure in June of 1961. He recovered by 1963, but then suffered a heart attack. After he was discharged his health never fully recovered and on November 22, 1963 C. S. died. He was buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity Church, and his brother was later buried alongside him.
My new book, would you do what they did great Christian leaders from our past is now available to order from here is the link: Would You Do What They Did? - Great Christian Leaders From Our Past      

It is also available to order now or shortly from anywhere that sells books. It is a collection of biographies of Martin Luther, Francis of Assisi, John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, and Thomas Becket.

Come, tame a wolf, flee from the wrath of the king, feel the horror of impending doom on a ship, and the uncertainty of one’s own salvation with these great heroes of the faith.

I have excepts of the book on my website,

 Thank you for reading.


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