Francis of Assisi, who is recognized as a saint by the
Catholic Church, was born in either 1181 or1182, the son of a wealthy
cloth merchant. When he was young he dreamed of becoming a knight and winning
battles, or perhaps of becoming a poet. During a foray as a squire he had a
mysterious dream and left to go back home. This helped to distance him from his
father, who had invested a lot in his equipment.
He would eventually leave his rich lifestyle and try and
help those in need and restore old churches that were in disrepair. He was
inspired by the scriptures that speak of Jesus sending out the disciples
without any money to preach the Gospel. He began to get followers, although he
was only trying to be a better Christian.
Eventually the new order of monks became
officially recognized through publication of Regula Bullata
by Pope Honorius III. This formally authorized the Regula Prima, as the rule for
the organization and administration of the Franciscan order.
didn’t believe in property as all of our possessions are ultimately God’s. While
other order’s practiced individual poverty, the Franciscan order was the first
that also didn’t have community property. Francis was also instrumental in
starting a sister organization of woman called the Poor Clares.
Francis’ death disputes arose about what direction the order should take,
especially about the lack of community property. Eventually the order split
into three main groups, although there are other groups, some even outside the
Catholic Church. Some have even tried to follow Francis’ ideals outside of a
religious institution, and these people are known as the Third Order of
Francis. The Franciscan order grew in popularity and is still an important
order today.
life of Francis of Assisi is detailed in my new book Would You Do What They Did? - Great Christian Leaders From Our Past
It is also currently available at Barnes and nobles and should be available to order now or shortly from anywhere that sells books. The book is about Thomas Becket, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Francis of Assisi and is written in creative nonfiction style, I have excepts of the book here on my website
It is also currently available at Barnes and nobles and should be available to order now or shortly from anywhere that sells books. The book is about Thomas Becket, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Francis of Assisi and is written in creative nonfiction style, I have excepts of the book here on my website
Thank you for reading.
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